Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Farce of the Penguins"


The few funny moments offered here come no where close to making up for the massive shortcomings. There are jokes that repeat themselves out into infinity, there is stock footage so grainy it's sometimes hard to tell what you're looking at, and there are individual shots used over and over of the penguins, sometimes representing different characters. Let's be honest, a movie that's not easy to look at is not easy to watch. Throw in the most ill-conceived musical numbers ever put on film and you end up with something nearing unbearable.

What saved this from one star were the self referential moments. Penguins talking to the narrator about being unsure who's talking and when (just as we are much of the time), and the direct March of the Penguin references.

And oh yes, I must say, the voice of Tracy Morgan makes comedy die. He's not nor has ever been funny, and I'll never understand why he has a career.

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