Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Audience of One"


You wanna see crazy happen? Watch this documentary, pay close attention, somewhere along the way you might just see the moment pastor Richard Gazowsky goes insane. Silly me, I missed it. It even took me until the last few minutes of the film to realize it had happened, but oh boy did it! It starts simply enough: man feels inspired by God to make a movie. He's not the first; more power to him. Things quickly go wrong, but he has faith things will come out right. God wants it to happen, right? The movie even sounds somewhat promising...if a little odd. But odd can work. But then, what happens when EVERYTHING goes wrong? Do you back down, humble yourself, and move on; or do you continue blindly ahead? Do you tell everyone the backers have guaranteed the money for the film, money that has a habit of doubling each time you mention it? Do you suddenly aspire in the midst of your failure to even bigger, grander, wildly ridiculous things? Watch how Gazowsky handles it, and just see if you can pinpoint the moment he breaks.

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