Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Creature from the Hillbilly Lagoon"


Some movies, despite good intentions and the best of efforts, just come out bad. But some movies have all their intentions and efforts funneled into MAKING them bad. This movie is the latter. I've said before that a good director can even use his or her low budget to their advantage (see Sam Raimi's Evil Dead trilogy and Peter Jackson's Dead Alive). Here director Richard Griffin has done the same. The acting, plot, fog, characters, dialogue, fog, creatures, lighting, fog... it's all just wonderfully ridiculous.

Things are taken so far over the top in such silly ways, and all for what, judging solely by what you see on screen, couldn't have been more than 200 bucks. Surely no more than that. And an amusing device is used to "represent" scenes that would have exceeded that meager budget. The film occasionally cuts from the live action into comic book-like panels, and in these we see what in a movie costing maybe 250 bucks would've been visual effects shots. And towards the end we have the glorious climax of all this silly badness (and the final, absolute proof of the director's intent) when we see a creature in a most unexpected outfit. I don't wanna give anything away, but let's just say there's lace involved. So, if you like cheesy horror, intentional train wrecks, or are a wee bit less than sober, check this one out, and laugh, laugh, laugh.

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