Amusement, or as I like to call it, Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Plot Holes, is not so much a movie as a series of vignettes which are drawn out of other movies and then strung together. The effect is very scattered, and does a fine job of destroying any kind of tension the movie may have built.
First we get a dose of Joy Ride, with the creepy trucker who's obviously up to no good. A little too obviously. Next comes Halloween, with a dash of Poltergeist thrown in for spice. The clown costume here, the one on the poster up there, might have been creepy in the hands of a more capable director. Next comes one I can't correlate to any specific movie, but it's the large, creepy house that causes everyone who enters to mysteriously vanish. A house that, I must add, though it has crumbling plaster and dripping water and vines crawling up it's walls, every character believes is a functioning hotel. And finish it off with a sort of Saw/Kiss the Girls mash up. Oh, and throw in some dioramas. Why not?
And did I mention the plot holes? What happened to the kids in the Halloween segment? Who is the woman who is interviewing our "heroine," and where did she come from? And just who is funding the elaborate homes and devices used by the killer? His job seems to be CEO of Murder (Vice President of Cackling Laughter), so just where does he get those wonderful toys? This really seems to be a perfect exercise in how NOT to make a horror movie. To sum up very simply: We are not amused.
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